Property-wide Contract Management with Corporate Control

Learn how a single PoseidonCM license ($100/month) can standardize your property-wide contract management efforts and processes

Protect the business

Centralize and manage all contract (permits, leases, subscriptions, agreements, ...) data, dates, and documents in a single source of truth! Employees are going to leave. With them goes a vault of company information. Centralized data and mature proceses ensure your contract management processes continue without missing a beat.

Return on Invsetment (ROI)

An efficient contract management platform and processes will produce an immediate and long-term ROI. You will eliminate paying for products/services no longer in use, consolidate vendors to improve volume agreements, eliminate accidental contract auto-renewal contracts, and much more. Better Information. Better Decisions.

Data & Document Compliance

Standardized and optmized contract lficycle processes should be about gathering the right data and documents at the right steps - every time! From initial contract request intake forms to automated contract renewal alerts, PoseidonCM has you covered.